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There is one open seat for Board of Health for a three-year term.

Below is the candidate for Board of Health

Alan Rapoport

I was fortunate to grow up in Canton and I graduated from Canton High School in 1986. I pursued a biology degree and I earned my bachelor of science degree from Tulane University in 1982. I did my graduate school in Boston at the New College of Optometry and finished my degree in 1986. I joined my dad in practice and proud to say we both have been seeing patients at the same location since 1957.   


My husband and myself always believe in doing public service and we have served on different committees  in this town. I have been honored to be on the Board of Health for the past 5 years. During these years we have seen the worst health crisis that has affected us since the Spanish flu of 1918-1920.  Your Board of Health was very proactive and assertive and made decisions that I believe saved lives. We did our homework and provided clear and concise information each time we met. When a small percentage disagreed with us we held a town meeting and answered all questions that came our way. 


I am proud of our accomplishments during that crisis and the town found out they were lucky to have a well qualified team of professionals there to guide them.


Since my time on the Board I have tried to add a discussion point to each meeting. I try to tackle subjects such as depression, suicide, alcohol abuse, newest weight loss drugs and so many other areas that affect this town. The one thing I learned is nobody wants to talk about the problems that exist in society but the only way to seek help is by being informed.


The Board of Health now has a excellent facebook page with timely hints of how to stay healthy. I am honored to serve once again on the board of health and look forward to the next three years.


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